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Creations made with Blender and Unity


Hello there, my name is Sascha and I am Programmer and hobby Tech/3D Artist.

Glad you made it over here. 

Since my young ages I had been amazed by video games such as Warcraft 3, Gothic 1 and 2, Silkroad or Ragnarok. 

I used to play many titles and never stopped until now. 

I always got told that the best way to find a work you like is to turn a hobby into work. 

So here I am!

On this page you find some pieces of my last projects for level design, 3D-Art and some basic games for GameJams I participated on.

I hope you like it and would be happy about some feedback!

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Project Galleries

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Playable Project

One bigger project had been uploaded on for presentation.
Pictures of it you will find below, if you wish to check it out closer feel free to head to and download it.

Click the pictures to check out the galleries

2D Platformer made with Unity

The Eternal Journey - created for Newbies Game Jam 2022-2

A 3D Dungeon Crawler made with Unity

The Game Of Life And Death - created for DungeonCrawler Jam 2023

2D Platformer made with Unity

SpaceMiner - created for Gamedev.js Jam 2023

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